Summarizing Bun: a drop-in replacement for Nodejs

Tim Chosen
3 min readDec 16, 2023

I read about Bun and thought to summarize what I think it is and what it achieves by writing these notes

What is Bun Js?

Bun JS is a modern JavaScript runtime, package manager, and test runner bundler developed using the Zig programming language. It’s designed by Jarred Sumner as a drop-in replacement for Node.js and stands out for its speed and efficiency. The Bun runtime is built on the JavaScriptCore engine, which is different from Node.js and Deno that use the V8 engine. This gives Bun a unique edge in terms of performance.

The core of Bun includes a fast JavaScript runtime aimed at reducing startup times and memory usage, making it an attractive option for both development and production environments. It’s especially useful in resource-constrained settings like serverless functions. Bun is compatible with Node.js, allowing it to seamlessly integrate into existing Node.js projects with little to no changes necessary.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

What makes Bun Js different or unique?

Bun offers various features including built-in bundling and transpiling, first-class support for TypeScript and JSX, and the ability to directly execute .jsx, .ts, and .tsx files. Its bundler is capable of finding and installing packages from the NPM repository, managing dependencies efficiently. This makes it a comprehensive toolkit for JavaScript and TypeScript applications.

Its speed is a significant highlight, with Bun’s processes starting up to four times faster than Node.js. Additionally, Bun supports both ES modules and CommonJS, catering to the modern shift towards ES modules while maintaining compatibility with the extensive library of CommonJS packages available on NPM.

Bun’s toolkit also includes various APIs for tasks like HTTP server setup, WebSockets, Workers, Binary data handling, Streams, File I/O, and more. It even supports SQLite, TCP sockets, and foreign function interfaces (FFI), among other features.

What package manager does Bun Js use?

The runtime’s package manager aspect is noteworthy too. Bun’s npm-compatible package manager is significantly faster than existing tools like npm, pnpm, and Yarn. This can lead to a much more efficient development workflow, especially when dealing with large numbers of dependencies.

How does testing work in Bun Js?

In terms of testing, Bun provides a test runner that outperforms others like Vitest and Jest in terms of speed. It includes a Jest-style expect() API, allowing for an easy transition from Jest to Bun, along with support for lifecycle hooks, snapshot testing, DOM APIs, and function mocks.

How stable is Bun Js for development?

Bun is still under active development, with ongoing efforts to enhance Node.js compatibility and integration with various frameworks. This continuous development is part of its appeal, as it promises further improvements and features that could enhance JavaScript development workflows significantly.

Conclusion about Bun Js?

Bun JS claims to stand out in the JavaScript runtime landscape due to its speed, efficiency, and comprehensive feature set, making it a strong competitor to established runtimes like Node.js and Deno. Its unique approach, leveraging the JavaScriptCore engine and offering built-in tools for bundling, transpiling, and package management, positions it as a promising tool for JavaScript developers. However, it is still being actively developed, and using it in production apps should be done so with caution or with the understanding that it can change rapidly.



Tim Chosen

First Love PHP. Married to JavascScript. Team Lead Specialized in remote and distributed Teams. Helping US/Europe based startups save on tech talents costs.