Navigating the Shifting Landscape: A Journey through Server Infrastructure Evolution

Tim Chosen
3 min readMar 4, 2024

I recently stumbled upon an old bash script I authored back in the early 2010s for provisioning and setting up a server and it prompted a wave of nostalgia and reflection on how drastically server setup practices have evolved over the years. Sitting down at my desk, sifting through the lines of code, I couldn’t help but marvel at the simplicity and quaintness of the script, a relic from a bygone era when server management was a far cry from the complex orchestration and automation we witnessed today.

NGINX Server blocks script

In those early days, configuring a server was akin to embarking on an arduous journey fraught with manual tasks and meticulous attention to detail. Each step, from installing the operating system to configuring network settings and software packages, required painstaking execution, often consuming hours if not days of valuable time. Yet, despite the laborious nature of the process, there was a certain charm in the hands-on approach, a sense of accomplishment derived from mastering the intricacies of server administration.

As I reminisced on those times, I couldn’t help but contrast it with the streamlined efficiency of modern server setup practices. Gone are the days of manual intervention and ad-hoc scripts hastily thrown together to automate repetitive tasks. Instead, we find ourselves in an era dominated by DevOps principles and cloud-native technologies, where infrastructure is code and automation reigns supreme.

The evolution from the server rooms of yore to the ethereal realms of cloud computing has been nothing short of transformative. No longer bound by the physical constraints of hardware, we now wield the power of virtualization and containerization to abstract away complexity and achieve unprecedented levels of scalability and agility. With the rise of DevOps practices, the boundaries between development and operations have blurred, giving rise to a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.

As I delved deeper into my reminiscence, I couldn’t help but marvel at the strides we’ve made since those early days. What was once a solitary endeavour undertaken by a handful of dedicated sysadmins has blossomed into a vibrant ecosystem of tools and technologies designed to simplify and streamline the management of server infrastructure. From configuration management tools like Puppet and Ansible to container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, the arsenal at our disposal has never been more robust.

Yet, amidst the progress and innovation, I couldn’t shake the feeling of nostalgia for those simpler times. There was a certain purity in the act of manually provisioning a server, a connection to the underlying hardware that seems all but lost in the ephemeral world of the cloud. And yet, as I glance back at that old bash script, I’m reminded that while the tools and techniques may have evolved, the essence of server setup remains unchanged: a testament to human ingenuity and our relentless quest to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the digital realm.



Tim Chosen

First Love PHP. Married to JavascScript. Team Lead Specialized in remote and distributed Teams. Helping US/Europe based startups save on tech talents costs.