Tim Chosen
4 min readDec 16, 2023


Exploring Deno: A Secure and Modern JavaScript Runtime

In the ever-evolving world of web development, staying on the cutting edge is essential. It was with this forward-thinking mindset that Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node.js, embarked on a journey to rectify some of Node.js’s design flaws while introducing novel features. The result of this endeavor is Deno, a secure and modern JavaScript and TypeScript runtime.

The Genesis of Deno

Node.js, a JavaScript runtime known for its speed and scalability, had its limitations. Ryan Dahl recognized that as it gained popularity, certain design choices made earlier in its development became apparent as drawbacks. This led to the inception of Deno — a fresh start, a new approach.

Ryan Dahl’s goal was to address Node.js’s key issues and create a runtime that was not only more secure but also more in tune with the needs of modern developers. Deno was designed to rectify the following shortcomings:

Photo by Radowan Nakif Rehan on Unsplash

Improved Security

Node.js had its fair share of security concerns due to its lenient permissions model and unrestricted access to the file system and network. Deno took a different path by embracing security as a core principle. It introduced a more robust permissions system, where access to critical resources like file system and network is explicitly granted, providing an added layer of protection against malicious code.

Modern JavaScript Features

As JavaScript evolved over the years, so did the language features and syntax. Deno seized the opportunity to integrate these modern JavaScript capabilities while allowing developers to write code in TypeScript — a statically typed superset of JavaScript. This choice empowers developers with better tooling and safer code.

Predictable Module System

Node.js’s module system often led to confusion and compatibility issues, especially when dealing with third-party packages. Deno implemented a more straightforward and predictable module system, where modules can be imported directly from URLs. This simplifies dependency management and makes code more maintainable.

Deno in Action

With its focus on security, modernity, and simplicity, Deno has garnered considerable attention from developers looking to build robust server-side and command-line applications.

Here are some key features and use cases of Deno:

1. Secure by Design

Deno’s security model, with explicit permissions, ensures that your applications are less vulnerable to attacks. You can restrict access to sensitive resources, such as the file system or network, making it a strong candidate for building secure services.

2. TypeScript Support

For those who appreciate the benefits of type safety and enhanced tooling, Deno offers seamless TypeScript integration, allowing you to write safer and more maintainable code.

3. Direct Imports

Deno’s straightforward module system enables you to import modules directly from URLs, eliminating the need for a centralized package manager. This simplifies dependency management and reduces friction in your development workflow.

4. Built-in Tools

Deno comes with a set of built-in tools, including a package manager (deno install) and a code formatter (deno fmt), making it a comprehensive and self-contained runtime for modern web development.

Building a Todo App with Deno

To illustrate Deno’s capabilities, let’s create a simple Todo application using Deno and Oak, a middleware framework for Deno.

import { Application, Router } from 'https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts';
const app = new Application();
const router = new Router();
let todos = [];router
.get('/todos', (ctx) => {
ctx.response.body = todos;
.post('/todos', async (ctx) => {
const { value } = await ctx.request.body();
const todo = value.todo;
ctx.response.body = { message: 'Todo added successfully!' };
console.log('Server is running on port 8000');
await app.listen({ port: 8000 });

In this example, we import the necessary modules from the Deno standard library and the Oak middleware framework. We then create a simple API for managing Todo items.

  1. GET /todos retrieves the list of todos.
  2. POST /todos allows us to add new todos to the list.

This is just a basic example, but it demonstrates how Deno makes it easy to build server-side applications using modern JavaScript and TypeScript. You can extend this example to include additional features and functionality.


Deno, born from the visionary mind of Ryan Dahl, represents a significant step forward in JavaScript and TypeScript runtime environments. By addressing the shortcomings of its predecessor, Node.js, Deno has ushered in a new era of secure, modern, and developer-friendly runtime.

Whether you’re looking to enhance the security of your applications, leverage the latest JavaScript features, or streamline your development process, Deno offers a compelling solution. As Deno continues to evolve and gain traction in the development community, it’s worth keeping an eye on its progress and exploring how it can empower you in your web development endeavors.



Tim Chosen

First Love PHP. Married to JavascScript. Team Lead Specialized in remote and distributed Teams. Helping US/Europe based startups save on tech talents costs.